Rediscover The Cost-Saving Benefits of Low-Temperature Gas Sterilization
High-tech medical instruments are costly to replace. Andersen’s ethylene oxide gas sterilization systems don’t deteriorate expensive […]
We love Vets and Vet Techs! And you love Andersen right back, because we make your lives easier. Here are some stories about the romance between Andersen and everyone in the Veterinary Industry. Enjoy!
High-tech medical instruments are costly to replace. Andersen’s ethylene oxide gas sterilization systems don’t deteriorate expensive […]
IRS Tax Code Section 179 allows you to deduct 100% of the cost of your new gas sterilizer from your gross income. Tax Code 179 is an incentive created by the US government to encourage businesses to buy equipment and invest in themselves. Put Tax Code 179 to work for you.
By Karen E. Butler, Director of Communications Leonidas Newlin, 81, joined Andersen Sterilizers, a family-owned medical […]
By Karen E. Butler, Director of Communications Andersen Sterilizers was founded by H.W. Andersen, M.D., 66 […]
By Alden May, Customer Service & Science Intern From customer service to forklifts, and lab tests […]
More than half of all medical devices in the U.S. are sterilized using ethylene oxide (EO) […]
Here are step-by-step directions on how to use Andersen’s AN94 Vapor-Trak Monitoring Badges.
Ethylene Oxide – Flexible Chamber Technology is Andersen’s proprietary and award-winning sterilization process. It is shared by the Andersen Anprolene and EOGas 4 models.
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Andersen Sterilizers founder, H.W. Andersen, M.D., designed and patented the first self-contained Biological Indicator (BI) in 1969. Long after his patent expired, his invention has become an industry in and of itself.
Before your patients start making excuses to avoid seeing you, it’s time to step up your infection control. Now through November 30, veterinary practices receive 10% discount off of any Andersen Sterilizer. Sign at a trade show booth and also receive free shipping.
Andersen’s referral program: Share the love with three colleagues and get a free box of gas – a nearly $300 value! It’s nice to share.
“EO sterilization has continued to advance since the ’60s and ’70s, and while there are still risks, updates to the delivery technology, EO’s materials compatibility, and penetration capabilities mean there are rewards to the modality that you should consider,” said Seth Hendee of Healthmark Industries, Inc. in his article Ethylene Oxide Risk vs Reward.
John Small, owner and president of Biovision Veterinary Endoscopy, LLC, was kind enough to sit down with us at VMX 2023 to talk about how Andersen sterilizers provide quick ROI and sterilize with zero damage – two key features that make his product affordable for veterinarians.
The useful life of all Andersen sterilizers is 10 years from the date of manufacture. Useful life refers to the time-period during which Andersen Sterilizers will maintain a spare parts inventory and provide service to repair the sterilizer.
All chemicals capable of achieving terminal sterility are inherently dangerous requiring exposure monitoring, training and engineered redundancies designed to offer the highest level of operator protection. Claiming your sterilant is “safe” and “non-toxic” does a serious disservice to users who may, then, not treat the sterilant with the respect it deserves. Our aim in this post is not to compare H2O2 and EO (both are potentially dangerous and must be used with care). Instead, we hope to demonstrate widespread instances of operator injury in hopes of encouraging fair comparison and careful use.
You’re not going to believe how simple Andersen Sterilizer installation is. In fact, it’s the easiest in the industry! As easy as 1, 2, 3. Vent, Connect, Plug-in: Ready!
The new AN75 Series is the most significant upgrade to the Anprolene system since its introduction nearly 60 years ago. But how can you possibly improve on this precise, reliable and proven classic? We’re so glad you asked…
Richard Brooks at Friendship Hospital for Animals in DC tells us how he saves thousands of dollars using his new EOGas 4 sterilizer.