John Small, owner and president of Biovision Veterinary Endoscopy, LLC, was kind enough to sit down with us at VMX 2023 to talk about how Andersen sterilizers provide quick ROI and sterilize with zero damage – two key features that make his product affordable for veterinarians.

Watch the full testimonial or find some of our favorite moments below.
Note: You can skip to that specific moment in the interview by clicking on [view].
EO Saves you money
“The number one benefit of gas sterilization is the fact you can re-sterilize single-use products, which fits within the veterinarian’s budget,” said John. “The second benefit is it doesn’t degrade the scopes. It doesn’t degrade any of the products.” [view]
why Deer Creek Animal hospital ditched Plasma
“To give you an example, the clinic we teamed up with to develop the laparoscopic spay – Deer Creek Animal Hospital – they have been using the same laparoscope from 2003 to 2023 and there has been zero degradation. Zero degradation, using gas.” [view]
In search of a faster solution, Deer Creek tried plasma (hydrogen peroxide) for a year but, “It just didn’t work out. Number one, it’s very expensive. Number two, it was degrading the product. Degrading especially the plastics.” [view]
Luckily Andersen had, at that time, just come out with the EOGas 4 sterilizer which sterilizes (exposure and aeration) in just 3.5 hours – so Deer Creek happily switched back to EO.
“They have 5-7 packs and they can sterilize those twice a day,” John continued, so they can conduct 15 lap procedures a day. “It works very well for practices that are very busy and still allow them to use gas sterilization.” [view]
“I can’t say enough about gas sterilization being non-abrasive, non-destructive to scopes, to single-use products. It’s the only option that I know of.” [view]
Re-Sterilize + repurpose = Fast ROi
“A Canadian customer, Jeff Lattimer, was a little tentative when we first advocated to him that he needed to have a gas sterilizer. He reluctantly adapted the modality. He called me back six months later and said, ‘John, I have good news on the gas sterilization. Oh my goodness, I was reluctant to get it but I’m saving so much money! Not only is it sterilizing the laporoscopic stuff, but now it’s sterilizing my intubation tubes and other disposables so instead of throwing them away I can re-sterilize and repurpose those things. There’s a tremendous benefit beyond laporoscopic equipment!'” [view]
Thanks, Mr. Small, for being a wonderful partner for 20 years and for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with Steve Brown, Andersen California General Manager.